Saturday, October 29, 2016

Sngine - The Ultimate Social Network Platform Nulled - Free Download

Sngine Updated to Version 2.3

is a Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.

Sngine is very easy to install, Watch how to install in less than 1 minute

Sngine is the Fastest Social Network Script on Codecanyon


User Demo::
Demo Link (You can register and test it yourself)

Admin Demo::
(Login using this username/password)
Username: demo.admin
Password: 123456
(This account can’t do any action on the demo version)



Reviews (See what our customers say about Sngine)


User/General Features:

  • Friends Users can add others as a freind
  • Follow/Unfollow Sngine also support following system like Twitter/Facebook
  • Real-Time Real-Time Newsfeed, Chat, & Notifications and Profile Updates
  • Share Users can share any public post on Sngine
  • Smart Publisher Publisher auto-scrap (Music, Videos, Links)
  • YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud Users can share links from these media
  • Notifications Get notifications (red notification with counter) from other users when they: Like, Share, Comment, or @mention you
  • Sound Notifications for New Notifications & Messages
  • Privacy users can change thier privacy settings anytime
  • #Hahtags Post #hashtags in posts, comments and chat conversations
  • @mention user can mention thier friends
  • Photos upload images and have them displayed as a gallery.
  • Groups Stay in touch with the group members and share stories with them.
  • Pages User now can create pages like Facebook.
  • Smiles / Emoticons (smiles) in Messages, Comments and Chat.
  • Mange Blocks Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.
  • Awesome Profile with Covers and Avatars for user/page/group profiles
  • Verify Badge Now profile and pages support verify badge
  • Unified Search Box Live search for #hashtags, posts, pages and groups
  • See More option for cut long-text post like Facebook
  • Retina Display Ready Responsive Design (optimized for iPhone 5 and other iOS devices)
  • SuggestionsFriends suggestions (for new users), Pages to like, Groups to join

Script/Admin Features:

  • Portable so you can run it at any shared hosting easily
  • Ajax Powered system
  • We build it with pure PHP and OOP and MVC, so developer could customize it
  • SEO SEO Friendly Urls
  • System Shutdown Turn the entire website On and Off
  • Registration Enabled Turn registration On and Off
  • Send Activation Email Enable/Disable activation email after registration
  • SMTP Emails Enable/Disable SMTP email system
  • reCAPTCHA Enabled Turn reCAPTCHA On and Off
  • Multi-Language multi language platform using ‘gettext’ (Support Arabic and RTL Design)
  • Manage Translations: Admin can add/edit/delete language translations
  • Cache System Advanced caching system for all system and the view templates which guarantee fast loading for the whole website
  • Manage Users Manage your members, edit thier profile details, and verify anyone of them
  • Manage Pages Manage pages that your members created, verify anyone of them
  • Manage Pages Categories Admin can add/edit/delete different categories for pages
  • Manage Groups Edit or Delete user created groups
  • Reports Manage reports by your members
  • Manage Verified User/Pages Admin can make any user/page as verified.
  • Static Pages Admin can add/edit/delete static pages like about, privacy, terms …etc
  • Ads System Admin can add/edit/delete ads for the entire system with 6+ different locations.
  • Manage Themes Admin can add/edit/delete themes
  • Advanced Statistics Statistics about User Registrations, Messages, Comments, Reported Messages & Comments, Likes
  • Plugins System Admin can activate/deactivate plugins
  • Set Min/Max Results Admin can set Min/Max number of results per request


  • Sngine requires Apache Server, PHP 5.4+ and MySQL 5.0+ to run
  • Before install Sngine please make sure that mod_rewrite, cURL and mail() are enabled on your server. you can ask your hosting company to make sure to enable it for you

Change Log / Updates

#== v2.3 == ( 05-09-2016 )
- [Updated] Sngine Dependencies [Bootstrap|Font-Awesome|Flag-Icon|Twemoji-Awesome]
- [Updated] Cache system to speed up your website (97/100 on Google PageSpeed)
- [Updated] System Security
- [Updated] Improve Search to include wall posts and group posts

- [Added] Directory [Posts|Users|Pages|Groups|Games] for better SEO
- [Added] Photos section in User Profile
- [Added] Photos section in Pages
- [Added] Photos section in Groups
- [Added] Photo Albums for Users
- [Added] Photo Albums for Pages
- [Added] Photo Albums for Groups
- [Added] Google Map API integration
- [Added] Wall posts
- [Added] Edit Post
- [Added] Save Post
- [Added] Pin Post
- [Added] Edit Comment
- [Added] Announcements
- [Added] Timeline Filter
- [Added] New posts loader
- [Added] "Only me" as a new privacy for posts
- [Added] Time Translation [like ?7 hours ago?]
- [Added] Groups posts on newsfeed
- [Added] New privacy settings for [Birthdate|Work|Location|Education] info
- [Added] New privacy settings for Wall posts [who can post on your wall]
- [Added] Make the search public for visitors
- [Added] Add/Change Favicon from admin panel
- [Added] Add/Change og-image from admin panel
- [Added] Enable/Disable wall posts from admin panel
- [Added] Search page as a new place for Ads & Widgets
- [Added] Search page as a new place for Ads & Widgets
- [Added] Improved email function/settings
- [Added] Make [User|Page|Group] profile picture & cover picture clickable

- [Fixed] Duplicated Posts
- [Fixed] Last seen time
- [Fixed] Report page & group
- [Fixed] Chat box name with special characters
- [Fixed] embed-ifram videos width
- [Fixed] Video Player for iPhone videos
- [Fixed] Admin reported post privacy
- [Fixed] Uploaded extensions check function
- [Fixed] See more line drop for long text
- [Fixed] Minor bugs

- [Remove] Material Theme
#== v2.2.2 == ( 23-07-2016 )
- [Update] PHPMailer
- [Fixed] Minor bugs
#== v2.2.1 == ( 03-07-2016 )
- [Fixed] Android APP file/image uploader
- [Fixed] Minor bugs
#== v2.2 == ( 02-05-2016 )
- [Added] [Apps] Android APP
- [Added] [Apps] IOS APP
- [Added] [Apps] Windows Phone App
- [Added] [Admin] Website Public option | Disable it to prevent non logged users to view website
- [Added] [Admin] Cache System | Enable cache system to speed up your website
- [Added] [Admin] Webiste Keywords for better SEO
- [Added] [Admin] Pages Enabled | Users can create pages or only admins/moderators
- [Added] [Admin] Groups Enabled | Users can create groups or only admins/moderators
- [Added] [Admin] Profile visit notification | Turn the profile visit notification On and Off
- [Added] [Admin] Geolocation Enabled | Turn the post Geolocation On and Off
- [Added] [Admin] Getting started page | Enable/Disable getting started page after registration
- [Added] [Admin] Delete Account option | Allow users to delete their account
- [Added] [Admin] Accounts/IP | Number of accounts allowed to register per IP (0 for unlimited)
- [Added] [Admin] Chat Enabled | Turn the chat system On and Off
- [Added] [Admin] User Status Enabled | Turn the Last Seen On and Off
- [Added] [Admin] Uploads Prefix | Add a prefix to the uploaded files
- [Added] [Admin] Photo Upload | Enable photo upload to share & upload photos to the site
- [Added] [Admin] Allowed video extensions | Allowed video extensions (separated with comma ',)
- [Added] [Admin] Audio Upload | Enable audio upload to share & upload sounds to the site
- [Added] [Admin] Max audio size | The Maximum size of uploaded audio in posts in kilobytes (1M = 1024KB)
- [Added] [Admin] Allowed audio extensions | Allowed audio extensions (separated with comma ',)
- [Added] [Admin] File Upload | Enable file upload to share & upload sounds to the site
- [Added] [Admin] Max file size | The Maximum size of uploaded file in posts in kilobytes (1M = 1024KB)
- [Added] [Admin] Allowed file extensions | Allowed file extensions (separated with comma ',)
- [Added] [Admin] Censored Words Enabled | Enable/Disable Words to be censored
- [Added] [Admin] Censored Words | Words to be censored, separated by a comma (,)
- [Added] [Admin] Data Heartbeat | The update interval to check for new data (in seconds)
- [Added] [Admin] Chat Heartbeat | The update interval to check for new messages (in seconds)
- [Added] [Admin] Offline after | The amount of time to be considered online since the last user's activity (in seconds)
- [Added] [Admin] Custom Design
- [Added] [Admin] Build Version in admin panel main menu
- [Added] Update all Sngine Dependencies to latest version
- [Added] Uploads folder now arranged with years/months and file types like WordPress
- [Added] Getting started page
- [Added] User now can upload and share audio file
- [Added] User now can upload and share any file
- [Added] New video player with more advanced features
- [Added] New audio player with more advanced features
- [Added] Improved Security
- [Fixed] Chat on mobile and remove chat heads
- [Fixed] Hashtag pattern to support (_) like #hash_hash
- [Fixed] Load More in public mode
- [Fixed] Privacy of posts for only friends in public mode
- [Fixed] Image remover after upload in publisher
- [Fixed] Username validation (admin and must be 3 char)
- [Fixed] Minor bugs
#== v2.1 == ( 16-02-2016 )
- [Added] Sngine 2.1 Structure for better caching and performance
- [Added] Sngine APIs v1.0
- [Added] Transfer Awesome features from Material theme to default theme
- [Added] New Social Logins [Linkedin & Vkontakte]
- [Added] New Link Scraper
- [Added] New Documentation
- [Added] og-meta tags for Social Marketing
- [Fixed] Chat messages duplication
- [Fixed] SMTP Emails CharSet encoding
- [Fixed] RTL Chatbox Icons alignment "Arabic Language" 
- [Fixed] Post word-break
- [Fixed] Material design icons render
- [Fixed] See more for visitor
- [Fixed] Minor bugs
#== v2.0.5 == ( 20-01-2016 )
- [Added] New Theme [Material Theme]
- [Added] Android APP
- [Fixed] Minor bugs
#== v2.0.4 == ( 12-01-2016 )
- [Added] Enable/Disable videos from admin panel
- [Added] Upload site logo from admin panel
- [Added] Delete user account from admin panel
- [Added] Delete user from settings page
- [Added] Security enhancements
- [Fixed] Fixed links on iPhone
- [Fixed] Comments encoding problem
- [Fixed] Minor bugs
#== v2.0.3 == ( 04-01-2016 )
- [Added] Update the settings page structure in admin panel
- [Added] Verified sign beside user name in post/comment header 
- [Added] infinite scroll
- [Added] Report Page/Group
- [Added] Video Post & Video Uploader
- [Added] Google Analytics Code from Admin Panel
- [Added] Set Max uploaded (Profile Picture, Cover Photo, Uploaded Photo & Uploaded Video) size from Admin Panel
- [Added] Photo Gallery 
- [Added] Next & Prev Photo for lightbox
- [Added] Uploading Multiple Images
- [Added] Updated Profile Picture/Cover Photo Posts
- [Fixed] Website description Bug
- [Fixed] People you may know will show only activated people (with email confirmation)
- [Fixed] Posting to the group issue
- [Fixed] Photos Grid System
- [Fixed] Single photo post comments/likes
#== v2.0.2 == ( 05-12-2015 )
- [Added] Social Logins (Facebook, Twitter, Google) 
- [Added] Linked Accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google)
- [Added] Admin Panel Login while system shutdown with no problem
- [Added] Reduce Image size and handle uploader security 
- [Added] UI Enhancements (From your feedback)
- [Fixed] Minor bugs
#== v2.0.1 == ( 16-11-2015 )
- [Added] All UI edits for mobile/desktop Layout.
- [Added] Add 7 new languages. (10 Languages now available)
- [Added] Add the widgets (So admin can add widget like Like Facebook Page ...etc) 
- [Added] Start the Plugins engine.
- [Added] Add 1st Plugin (Games)
- [Added] Add the User the Ability to delete their own Pages/Groups.
- [Added] Add the mutual friends counter on user profile.
- [Added] Add shared post title
- [Added] New Static pages appear in the footer
- [Added] Add who share a post.
- [Added] Admin can delete post directly from post's menu
- [Fixed] Fixed the suggested pages/groups section (get only new pages/groups)
- [Fixed] Minor bugs
#== v2.0.0 == ( 06-11-2015 )
- [Initial] Initial version

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