Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sharen - Trending Topics, viral news, stories Nulled - Free Download

List of interesting topics where users publish, discuss and vote on them.

Sharen is responsive, php script, built for users want to share links, viral content, ask questions, etc. It’s easy to get up and running and edit all options with a powerful admin panel.
If you heard Hacker news website it’s something like that.

Choose above to see the layout.

Why Sharen

Front End
  • Focus on content.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Full SEO Optimized
  • Easy instalation/Customizable.
  • Multilingual.
  • Ajax Forms.
  • Security (SQL Injection).
  • Newsletter Subscription.
  • Daily Newsletter Send.
  • User registration for publish.
  • Post Option (Voting, Comments).
  • Custom Post (Text, External Link, Question).
  • Search.
  • Gravatar user profile image detection.
  • Advertising ready.
  • Custom colors + Google Fonts.
  • Font Awesome Icons.
  • Lifetime support.
Demo Account


Password: password

Back End
  • Easy Installation
  • Security.
  • Customizable Colors.
  • Google analytics integration.
  • Dashboard Statics.
  • Users Management.
  • Comments Management.
  • Stories Management.
  • Enable/Disable Features.
  • Lifetime support.
Admin Demo Account
After login in Front end, use the url:
Password: password
Server Requirements
  • PHP 5.4 or above
  • Apache Web Server
  • Mysql.
  • Pdo Extension.
Technologies used:
  • Codeigniter 3
  • Bootstrap 3
  • jQuery

If you have a specific bug, feature request, or question, send to me an email

Change Log

On update: Please read the text file update on root downloaded file.

08 April
- search duplicate fixed
- anonymous posting fixed
- popular tags order fixed
- facebook config fixed on login

02 April v.3.7
- iframe or external admin fixed
- favicon extension .ico solved
- Category title fixed
- Edit profile “username exists” problem fixed
- Slider Number of views fixed
- Option to disable Poll
- Add story » description editor changed
- Save story as draft
- Edit story functionality
- twitter login slug fixed
- On login redirect to same page
- Share button modified
- Anonymous post option
- Profile Recent/Favourites posts border fixed
- GPlus, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest Added to profile
- Fix Ads Code Insert on Admin
- Following count fixed
- user profile url “u/user”
- upload images with UPPER extension fixed

23 February v.3.6
- New Designs included (List Layout + Sidebar, Masonry + Sidebar, Masonry Full width)
- Fix user slug follow users
- Follow Feed
- Sharen link on homepage
- External links open new tab
- Related thumbnails clickable
- Inside post – social icons under image
- Contact form

13 February v.3.5
- Upvote inside article
- Related Articles ajust padding left
- Edit profile username edit
- Slug stories title / username fixed
- category name in rss
- video responsive
- adding external article – duplicate validation based on url too
- add story – notify that article must be accepted instead of redirect to frontpage
- mailchimp integration
- number views inside article
- admin delete image after delete post fixed
- add story if not find image can manually added
- add story change limit 160 to 300
- iframe option can be disable
- upvote homepage changed position

22 January v.3.4
- Add users by admin panel
- Shortcut to Admin on user dropdown
- Ads on middle posts
- Layout colors fixed
- View profile User Url
- XML feed fixed
- XML feed dc:creator added
- Today Filter fixed
- Category Description Meta SEO Optimized
- Poll vote one time filter by IP
- Report button Admin panel long text fixed
- Category Edit on Admin
- Duplicate posts on favourites fixed

8 January v.3.3
- admin approval icon colors

4 January 2015 – v.3.2
- RSS Aggregator
- sitemap added
- iframe opens external link
- fixed recovery password things
- comments upvote/downvote fixed
- favourites image thumb fixed
- user profile date joined added
- comments clear both after related articles

You can see all change logs in .txt file on root of download file.

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