Saturday, October 29, 2016

Drag Drop Deals Manager CRM Nulled - Free Download

Deals manager is lead management system & sales crm for organise leads, deals, task,contacts,pipeline,files.Open Source software for convert leads to sales and make profit.

deals manager ratting

Awesome Deal Dashboard


  • Multi Language Support
  • Drag Drop Deals between Stages
  • Drag Drop Stages
  • Admin & Staff Roles
  • Roles Permissions
  • Custom Fields for Deal , Contact & Company
  • Pipelines
  • To-do / Task Management
  • Contact – Company Management
  • Reports Pie Chart & Table
  • Export Deals , Contacts & Company
  • Deal Activity History
  • & More
Multi Language
  • Chinese
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Spanish


CRM Pipeline: Admin can create pipeline.Pipeline access permission to User.Add stages and deals in pipeline.
CRM Stages: Admin can create stages in pipeline.Drag Drop stages to change order of stage in pipeline.Add deals in stage.
CRM Deal: Create deal and assign deal to users.Add task, source, product, comments, contacts in deal.
CRM Report: See the report of deals in stages.Pie chart and table two types of reports.Check report of active deals,won deals,loss deals,price of deals.
CRM Task Management: Admin/User can create task.Assign task to User.Add task in deal.
CRM Contact Management: Create contacts and social details of contact.Add contact in deal.Add contacts in company.
CRM Products: Add products in applications and assign products to deal.Set product quantity and discount on products.
CRM Sources: Add deal sources in application and assign source to deal.Check all deals in source.
CRM Support Tickets: Your clients can be open support tickets and you can give comments on tickets.
CRM Messaging: You can send any private message to your client or client can send you any message.
CRM Labels: You can add labels to deal.Different color labels can add to make the deal unique.
CRM File Sharing: Add any number of files in deal and download that file later, add description to files.
CRM Export: Can export deals, contacts, tasks, companies.Deals and tasks can be export by date range or pipeline.
CRM Companies: Add the company in your application and also add contacts in that company.
CRM Activity: See the all activity in your application for deals.Check activity of add/edit/delete deal, task, products, sources, comments, contacts.
CRM Deal Activity: In deal dashboard you will see the all activity in deal like user assign, task, source, product etc added/edit/delete.
CRM Discussion: Can start discussion on any deal.The assign deal members can add comments in the discussion or reply to comment.
CRM Notes: Add your private note in deal.The note can be seen only by you.Admin or client both can add there note in deal.


Username Password 123456

Username Password david123

Username Password 123456




Version 1.2.1 (18 March 2016)
 NEW -  7 languages (Chinese,dutch,french,german,italian,russian,spanish) added.
Fix - Small bug fixes.
Version 1.2 (12 January 2016)
 NEW -  user type staff, client
NEW - admin & staff role.Module Permissions
NEW - Calender with events & tasks.
NEW - SMTP & email notification settings
& more small modification.
Version 1.1 (10 November 2015)
NEW - Custom Fields for deal , contact, company 
NEW - Dashboard changes to look better in different screen sizes.
Fixed - various bugs

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